Because being 6’5 inches tall. Doesn’t bring anymore orgasms…Than 5’5.
“Ah…but I'm too short…”
“I’m not muscular enough”
“She’s too tall…she’d never be into me”
Oh the thoughts that can run through our heads.
The thoughts of inadequacy….
Of not good enough.
Of deception.
What you really need to understand is that when it comes to sex…
That’s right.
The great equalizer.
Because being 6’5 inches tall.
Doesn’t bring anymore orgasms…
Than 5’5.
What matters isn’t the size, or the height…
And skill is cultivated.
It’s nurtured.
It’s built.
So whether she’s 5’1….or 6’1
You can still chop down the “tree”.
Because your axe is sharp…and you know “how” to use it.
So remember that the playing field is always level in the bedroom.
You alone have the ability…the agency, to tip the scales in your favour.
So go fearless into the bedroom.
Bring your skills…bring your “axe”...
And start chopping away.